You ever get the feeling that the government and media absolutely don't want Ghislaine Maxwell's list to leak? — Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) July 14, 2022
Which side is a cult? It’s what they do. They filter one side of the argument and present the side that makes them the most money and pleases their friends. In no way is what we are seeing actual journalism. Which side is a cult? Cults typically have rituals and clothing that signifies if ... Read moreHoward Stern Says Meat Loaf Got Mixed Up With A Crazy Cult
Frogs Regrow Missing Limbs in Lab Study, Advancing Key Effort of Regenerative Medicine U.S. researchers said Wednesday they were able to trigger regeneration of amputated limbs in a species of African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis), which they called “one step closer to the goal of regenerative medicine.” Transcript cnn some ... Read moreAmphibians developed appendages after brief treatment with five-drug ‘cocktail’