Is Elvis Presley still alive?

Pastor Bob Joyce and comparing his voice to Elvis Presley’s

Who doesn’t wish Elvis was still roaming Earth somewhere?

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on the agenda tonight we’re going to be
comparing the voice of pastor bob joyce
with that of elvis presley
hello phil here from wings of pegasus
and welcome to another analysis video if
you enjoyed this video please give it a
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so this one has been much requested in
the comments section and i wasn’t aware
of pastor bob joyce before checking out
these videos and a lot of people are
saying how similar his voice is to that
of elvis presley’s and some people have
even said that it’s actually elvis
who didn’t die at all and he’s actually
bob but
certainly in my opinion with the
analysis that we’re going to be doing i
mean bob has said himself that he’s not
elvis presley i i think people just want
to believe it so much but we’re going to
do a voice comparison here and you can
tell from bob just his appearance that
it’s not elvis presley i mean elvis
presley was one of those guys that had
such a distinctive look
10 20 30 40 50 60 years on you would
still be able to see elvis presley so
just before we get started to my
knowledge bob doesn’t have any
professionally recorded songs they’re
just public performances on youtube and
as you can imagine these will be at
churches and gatherings so there are
kids in the background and you’ll be
able to hear some of that on the
recording so it doesn’t make it
difficult for the pitch monitoring
software to pick up the signals and the
voices obviously is going to confuse it
because there’s more than one voice but
we’ll do our best with what we can see
so let’s jump into bob’s performance
don’t hide
your face
i’m just going to jump in here because i
mean straight off the bat you can tell
that bob has got
a very similar vibrato and i’ve
mentioned about how important vibrato is
not only with playing the guitar but
with singing as well it’ll give you a
unique sound as elvis had when he used
his vibrato that was so
pristine it was so accurate pitch wise
he always went
right between kind of three and four
semi-tones and you can see and sometimes
we can see it on the pitch monitoring
software that bob’s doing exactly the
same thing so his vibrato is wide enough
he sometimes drifts a little bit higher
than elvis used to do so it means that
the three or four semitones that are
being covered by the vibrato when bob
does it is ever so slightly higher than
when elvis used to do it so that’s a
tiny difference but these are tiny
differences and
obviously they’re the kind of
differences that when you’re looking for
them when people have said oh is this
actually the same voice or not you can
start to find differences in the voice
another thing to mention just before we
jump into elvis singing my way and
that’s going to be the isolated vocal as
elvis’s vibrato was almost mechanical
with how accurate it was with
waves being repeated when i’m talking
about a wave of vibrato when you have
the wave slowed down it’d be ah
and it was almost like a metronome
because it was so solid with elvis but
with bob it does vary and
we might be able to have a look at that
unfortunately because of bob’s
performance being
obviously public and lots of other
noises going on we don’t get a really
accurate line that we can see on screen
let’s jump into elvis
and now
the end is near
so i
faced the final curtain
my friend
i’ll say it clear
i state my case
of which i’m certain
and to those of you
who are listening to that vibrato you
might be able to tell that elvis’s
vibrato is slightly faster so his waves
are happening more quickly and
like i said he was really consistent so
the distance between his waves here his
waves of vibrato i’m talking about pitch
here are always the same it’s solid it’s
like a metronome and maybe i can
actually slow this down to give you an
indication of the fact that it’s the
same all the time
it’s just almost like
a car waiting to start is just so solid
i’m just gonna jump over to bob and play
his vibrato in slow motion as well
so you can start to hear and those were
slowed down to the same speed so with
bob it’s very much more a ah
you get more space between these peaks
of vibrato but with elvis it was it was
a smoother transition and a faster
transition so imagine
those waves of vibrato just being
squashed together ever so slightly and
that was elvis’s vibrato and bob’s
vibrato is effectively elvis vibrato but
just stretched out a little bit so is
something to listen out for the way that
bob sometimes in his vibrato has that
that’s slower and
then speeds it up more to the speed that
elvis has but you do get that variation
we’re going to listen to bob again what
i want you to try and hear are
the notes where bob slides in that
glissando technique of going
and sliding up and down he doesn’t do it
like that but he does it i think more
than elvis used to do even though elvis
used to do it quite a lot bob does it
regularly and you might be able to see
the line going all the way up um graph
that we’ve got here our pitch graph just
that vocal line watcher ascend and
and that’s a good example there right
the beginning
really slower vibrato there
see we’re still slow vibrato wise here
and look at this massive slide we’ve got
going into our destination
your face
so we’re still quite slow vibrato wise
maybe sped up a little bit
that’s a great example there of the
difference in timing the way that we
sped up a little bit and then we had
this definite slowdown of
just the gaps between
rather than ah
and getting that faster wobble let’s
have a direct jump back to elvis to have
a listen to him what i had to
do and saw it through
listen how much faster that vibrato is
definitely two different singers but
really similar with tone considering
that bob’s recording isn’t that great
and we’ve isolated the vocals
really similar tones
we might have a look actually at the end
for when we get that increase in range
to how the voice changes because i think
elvis kept a lot of that sound that he
had at the bottom at the top of his
range as well bob is a little bit more
i’d say
chest voice sounding than elvis even
though elvis of course when you’re
trying to imitate his voice you would
take well you take your larynx down for
a start so my voice sits here whereas if
i wanted to go down
and make that kind of sound and then
do the faster vibrato to try and match
the waves up and down that elvis did you
start to get somewhere close and i’m not
an elvis impersonator but
i can say that if i really worked at
this and
put my voice in that place
and just worked at getting that vibrato
wide enough
and fast enough it would start sounding
a little bit like his voice and then i
can maybe fine-tune it from there
there’s no doubt
bob is hugely influenced by elvis and
you can’t blame him for that because of
elvis voice so he’s managed to get
really close to elvis’s voice with that
impersonation and
taking on that vibrato like i said it’s
not exactly the same but i think most
people when listening to pastor bob’s
will not be able to tell the difference
a lot of people haven’t been in
production they have been listening to
voices in isolation their whole lives
hearing eq how to eq a voice a lot of
people won’t have that experience so
the difference is minimal here when
we’re analyzing of course everybody
wouldn’t be able to tell but
i can hear that slight difference and
you could argue
we’re listening to a live performance by
has feedback going on you can hear on
the mic it’s not a very good recording
but just going on the two recordings
that we’ve got i would say that yeah
elvis had a little bit more in that
middle range in that mixed voice place
and as he ascends he manages to keep a
lot of that in the sound i’m just going
to take it to the end of bob’s
performance just to hear
him ascend in range a little bit to see
what those notes sound like up at the
all right and that is it so
i mean we’re not going
super high here as you can see from the
pitch graph we’re at a3 around that kind
of area so
we’re just in the baritone range here
nothing really pushing it into the top
of the male 10 range but you can hear
that when he does go up a little bit
higher it does change a little bit
and then he gets into more of an airy
sound so he goes take and it changes a
bit from
rather than having that oh
and keeping the joke
which i think elvis had more of in his
voice when he went up he had this
he still had that
lowered larynx sound to his voice
pretty much all the way up to the top he
was so totally consistent and when he
came in with those higher notes he got
that rasp in his voice as well and it
sounds like here bob’s voice gets a
little bit cleaner and i’d say it sounds
like it gets a little bit thinner as he
ascends and doesn’t have that body in
and when he comes down
we get back into that lower larynx kind
of sound
and there we have it right let’s take it
to elvis i’m gonna take it all the way
to the end chorus let’s see what’s going
on here and see if we can get some
higher notes going on we can already see
actually that he’s hitting some higher
notes because we’re at the c4 defense
there we go listen to the
he’s got a lot of that body still in
and i mean that’s just elvis all over
right at the end i mean he hits his high
that was the g4 by the way it didn’t
really pick it up on the pitch
monitoring software i mean we did get a
few bits here but because of the backing
vocals being in there it didn’t pick it
up clearly
but it shows you the range because this
is now
proper male 10 arranged and he still had
that body in his sound going from that
and you can hear there’s some body in
there even when we’re getting up i mean
the top end of the male 10 range is a4
but you can hear in bob’s voice that it
tend to have the same sound as he
ascends as elvis but he’s got a really
similar mid-range especially when we
compare between the two a lot of people
will think that this sounds really close
so with all of that said you could even
say to bob if you wanted to sound even
more like elvis presley speed up your
vibrato ever so slightly the pitch that
he’s covering is pretty much bang on
just speed it up a little bit and as you
ascend with your voice
lower your larynx a little bit so that
you keep that oh
that lower part of the voice still in
the overall tone and the sound and then
he will start sounding
and looking
bang on pretty much to elvis’s voice
those are really the only differences
it would be great to have a professional
recording of bob’s voice into a
condenser mic so we can really
appreciate his tone fully because it
might be the fact that there is a lot
more body in there than we get to here
and it was just the fact that the
video camera or whatever that was being
used to record the audio just didn’t
pick it up as clearly but
definitely not elvis presley but
very close
probably as close as you’re going to get
unless you’re looking at an actual
impersonator who is doing this full-time
as a job and they have studied what
we’re looking at here and they have
worked at their voice in exactly the
same way that i would
advise somebody to if they were trying
to be an elvis impersonator you would
take their voice and give them all of
the tips that they need
that we’ve learned from this having the
vibrato covering the three or four
semitones speeding it up to
exactly the same speed as elvis did it
and trying to keep as much body in the
sound as possible and
for the cherry on top add rasp as you
ascend and then you’ll be getting pretty
close but i mean getting
pretty close to a voice like elvis
is definitely a great place to be anyway
keep those suggestions coming in the
comment section below as always let me
know what you guys think and if you did
enjoy this video please give it a thumbs
up and subscribe and i’ll see you guys
at the next one rock

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